HanseCom Forum 2024
JUMP! Into Next-Gen Mobility.

“Please make it simple, needs-based, accessible for everyone, sustainable, clean, affordable, fair, fast, freely combinable, available around the clock, and convenient…” When it comes to shared mobility, expectations are high – and so is its potential. Shared mobility is the key to revolutionizing transportation, to shifting the modal split, to making green and people-friendly towns a reality and to achieving our climate targets.

So how can shared mobility be made even more attractive to people so that they will voluntarily give up owning a car? What do transport agencies and associations, private mobility providers, towns and municipalities, the federal government and society as a whole need to do to achieve this? How can we ‘level up’ to the next stage of mobility?


Target group: Decision-makers and managers specializing in digitalization, marketing, mobility planning, strategy and sales in public transport


Conference language: The HanseCom Forum will be held bilingually – in German and English – with simultaneous translation being provided.


Discuss these and other topics with decision-makers from the spheres of public transport, business and politics at the 10th HanseCom Forum:

  • Bye-bye company car: Mobility budgets and corporate mobility management
  • Account-based ticketing: Adopted internationally, but not (yet) in DACH?
  • Mobility worldwide: What we can learn from other countries
  • MaaS: Proven concepts on how to best introduce mobility platforms
  • Customer loyalty: Transforming from a transport company to the preferred mobility provider in your home region
  • Digitizing sales: Win-win for customers and transport agencies
Diskutieren Sie mit Entscheidern aus ÖPNV, Wirtschaft und Politik diese und weitere aktuelle Themen


Thursday, 21st November 2024

9 a.m.
Check-In & Get Together
10 a.m.
Juliane Fenske, Executive Director/Statutory Authory Business Development & Marketing, HanseCom
10.15 a.m.
Keynote: More Than a Jump – The Mobility Turnaround Needs a Long Jump
Mag.a Alexandra Reinagl, Vice President UITP & CEO Wiener Linien, Austria

In 2015, BVG launched its “Because we love you” image campaign, which has captured the hearts of (potential) passengers – even beyond the borders of Berlin – and had a strong positive effect on the BVG brand. However, a broad fan base is one thing; turning it into a loyal customer base is quite another. By consistently implementing the brand and sales strategy, the transit agency succeeded in boosting loyalty by seeing BVG subscriptions rise above the one million mark. The presentation will outline how BVG has succeeded and continues to succeed in becoming everyone’s darling for driving sustainable mobility in Berlin.

11.15 a.m.
3 in 15: Innovative Solutions In an Elevator Pitch
  • Cloud-Based Public Transport Montoring and Management:
    Mika Varjola, Managing Director, Mattersoft Ltd., Finland
  • How To Master E-Mobility With MOBILEcharge:
    Philipp Steinmetz, Director Sales, CarMediaLab, Germany
  • Adrian Meissner, Lead Account Manager, INIT Mobility Software Solutions, Germany
11.30 a.m.
Coffee Break & Exchange of Experiences

Since the 1990s, the Karlsruhe transport association has been known for providing the fare and publicity framework known as the “Karlsruhe Model”, a successful combination of streetcar and light rail transport. The 25th anniversary of the so-called dual-system vehicles used in the greater Karlsruhe area was already celebrated back in the mid-2010s. At the same time, driven by the company’s aspiration to further improve the successful model, the “Karlsruhe Model 2.0” was being developed. In this refined approach, the mobility needs of customers are comprehensively mapped by digitally linking and bundling numerous other mobility services in an app and at physical hubs. For two years now, KVV customers have been able to navigate an (almost) fully integrated information and booking chain via the KVV.regiomove application. The presentation will describe the individual stages of the development from transport association to regionaler Mobilitätsverbund (regional mobility network, “regiomove”) and will illustrate how qualitative improvements to the vehicle fleet and infrastructure help to drive ahead the mobility revolution.

The legal and economic landscape has changed significantly in recent years. In addition, new technical possibilities are reshaping key business areas. Change is often driven by external factors. However, to ensure an organization’s sustainable future, change must be ingrained in the company’s DNA. An elegant approach is to take the customer’s perspective and view the implementation of customer satisfaction as a strategic measure and align the entire organization and technology to it.

1 p.m.
Lunch & Exchange of Experiences

Buses, trains, ferries – local public transportation in the U.S. is diverse, but more so in urban areas, where demand and need are correspondingly high. While transit agencies offer bus services suburban or rural areas, more often than not people continue to use their own cars. LATS (Lawton Area Transit System) has been providing fixed bus routes and para-transit services for 23 years to ensure that passengers in the city of Lawton, Oklahoma, reach their destinations by public transportation. The new LATS GO PASS app launched in late summer 2024 introduces an attractive and simple digital way to purchase LATS tickets.

In their presentation, the speakers will outline the general requirements and challenges of public transportation in the U.S. They will also provide insights into the strategy used by LATS to further facilitate access to shared mobility for its passengers, inspire existing customers and attract new ones.

All across the world mobility has become a challenge and private car dependence has been recognised as unsustainable and wasteful. Public transport supported by active and shared mobility, and reliance on technology based solutions appear to be the solutions of the future. The data-rich but complex environment of public transport provides a perfect platform for testing several new technologies which have much wider applications. This session will use examples around the world how these solutions are improving the quality of life in the urban environments.

3.45 p.m.
Coffee Break & Exchange of Experiences
4.15 p.m.
Account Based Ticketing, ID-Based Ticketing, EMV & Co: This Makes Access to Public Transport Even Easier for Passengers
  • Introduction & Term Definition:
    Sascha Heyer, Productmanager, INIT GmbH, Germany
  • Account Based Ticketing at the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG): The Smart Solution for Sales Optimization:
    Michael Beer, Head of Sales, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Germany
  • Improving Customer Payment Options for Easier Bus Travel:
    Kevin Ward, Commercial Services Manager, Nottingham City Transport Ltd. (NCT), England
5.15 p.m.
Conclusion & Outlook on the Second Day
Juliane Fenske, Executive Director/Statutory Authory Business Development & Marketing, HanseCom
6.45 p.m.
Bus Shuttle to the Evening Event - As Always a Surprise!
Meeting point: Hotel lobby HYPERION Hotel

Friday, 22nd November 2024

8.30 a.m.
Check-In & Get Together
9 a.m.
Juliane Fenske, Executive Director/Statutory Authory Business Development & Marketing, HanseCom

The VDV industry association for public transport is committed to a sustainable transport policy and the expansion of climate-friendly mobility – with the greater goal of promoting the mobility transition. In his talk, Ingo Wortmann will provide insight into the association’s principles and recommendations that represent the interests of its members in politics, business, research and the public. These recommended actions further drive and actively promote the “JUMP! Into Next-Gen Mobility” initiative.

9.30 a.m.
Panel Discussion: “JUMP! Into Next-Gen Mobility.”

Ulrich Sieg, Consultant in public transport and former board member of Hamburger Hochbahn, discusses current trends and challenges in the mobility industry with:

  • Anna-Theresa Korbutt:
    Managing Director, Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (HVV), Germany
  • Tim Dahlmann-Resing:
    Management Board, Verkehrs-AG Nürnberg (VAG), Germany
  • Ingo Wortmann:
    President, Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV), Germany
10.45 a.m.
Coffee Break & Exchange of Experiences

Cascais is one of the municipalities in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal, and one if its largest with approximately 220,000 residents. A study conducted in 2015 concluded 67% of all travels were made by car. The municipality therefore initiated a strategy to revert those numbers by increasing the usage of public transport and shared mobility. MobiCascais is the materialization of that strategy. The decision was made to manage several mobility services under a single platform where registered accounts would choose which to subscribe, from buses to car parking and bike sharing. This MaaS evolved with the inclusion of other municipal services such as access to cultural events, music festivals, museums, and libraries, and later the ability to add subscriptions to the Lisbon metropolitan public transport network. In January 2020, Cascais took the bold step to declare the buses free of charge for all residents, workers, and students within the municipality. And in 2021 reorganized the bus network increasing the offer by over 50%. Another important aspect is the effort on decarbonizing the public transportation and Cascais is a pioneer in Portugal on the usage of hydrogen fuel cell buses, investing on its own green hydrogen production and refueling facility. The short periods between all these events make it very difficult to evaluate the impact of each individual contributing factor on the changes in demand, a situation aggravated by the COVID’19 pandemic. It is now safe to conclude the demand in public transportation has increased significantly (~30%) but perhaps more importantly the number of people using public transportation has doubled. To bring awareness to sustainable urban mobility Cascais has also started educational programs involving local schools and through a protocol with the national mobility authority (AMT) making it also available to other schools in the country. Future challenges include stimulating more frequent usage of public transportation, evaluating the correlation between public/shared mobility demand and air quality indicators (especially NO2), and reactivating circular economy applications to reward sustainable mobility habits. Bottomline, Cascais’ motto is to be the best place to live a day or a lifetime.

A network-wide solution for the digitization of student transport processes, from the application process through to issuing student tickets. Simplified, centralized and transparent – facilitating an efficient organization of student transport.

Checking eligibility for school transport is a complex process, and it differs from state to state, or sometimes even from municipality to municipality. In many places, the procedure is still characterized by manual processes and “too much paperwork”.

The HanseCom student portal is a central platform that digitizes, simplifies and fundamentally accelerates the time-consuming review processes from application to approval. Moreover, the solution supports everyone involved in the process: transport authorities, schools, transit agencies/associations as well as students and their parents.

The presentation illustrates how different regional approval processes for the approval of student tickets can be digitized, automated and optimized with the HanseCom student portal: from the application and eligibility check through to issuing the ticket.

12.45 p.m.
Conclusion of the Conference
Juliane Fenske, Executive Director/Statutory Authory Business Development & Marketing, HanseCom
1 p.m.
Lunch & End of the Event

Breakout Sessions

Would you like to delve deeper into trending topics of the mobility sector? Then join our breakout sessions, which are exciting expert-guided workshops. Participants of these small-group sessions get hands-on advice and learn about best practices based on German and international mobility projects, which will provide valuable impetus for their own initiatives.

Make sure to get up to speed on the following topics:

Thursday, 21st November 2024 2 p.m. MaaS Advanced - Or: How to Further Increase Customer Benefits with Your Mobility Platform Horst Wendelmuth & Torben Schrötke, PreSales, HanseCom
Thursday, 21st November 2024 4 p.m. From Job Ticket to Company Mobility Management Horst Wendelmuth, PreSales, HanseCom
Friday, 22nd November 9.30 a.m. Introducing Account-Based Ticketing: From the Idea to Implementation Sascha Heyer Product Manager, INIT & Torben Schrötke, PreSales, HanseCom
Friday, 22nd November 11 a.m. Redefining Mobility Marketing: Keeping the Customer Front and Center Alok Jain, CEO & Managing Director, TRANS-Consult Limited

The number of participants is limited. You can flag your interest in a breakout session when you register for the HanseCom Forum. You will then receive all information you need for registration in good time before the conference.


You can look forward to contributions and presentations from these industry experts:


Michael Beer – Head of Sales at Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) – has worked as a manager for the public transport company in the area of sales and marketing for many years.

Michael studied business administration at the TU Dresden, specializing in transport economics/logistics and transport policy. After a brief stint at Deutsche Bahn, Michael moved on to BVG in 2000, where he managed the sales communication as well as the strategy and market research teams. During this time, he was responsible for the creation and introduction of the multi-award-winning “Because we love you” campaign, among other things.

Michael has been in charge of sales at BVG since 2021. In addition to ticket sales via customer centers, ticket machines and sales partners, he and his team support the 1.2 million long-term customers who hold season tickets and job tickets. His passion is the further development of the sales landscape, such as the modernization and digitization of conventional sales. Mr. Beer developed the idea of account-based ticketing (ABT) for BVG in Berlin, where he implemented Germany’s most advanced system.

Account-Based Ticketing, ID-Based Ticketing, EMV & Similar Concepts:
Further Simplifying Access to Public Transport for Passengers

In the area of public transport, account-based ticketing systems have been successfully established in many countries for several years, and the first pilot projects are now being launched in the German-speaking region. Efficient billing, reduced susceptibility to fraud, simple and user-friendly ticket purchasing, no need to be aware of the fare or carry a physical ticket, etc. – transit agencies and passengers alike benefit from the advantages that this technology offers.

Sascha Heyer, Product Manager TaaS bei INIT, will start with a brief introduction to the world of account-based ticketing, ID-based ticketing, EMV and similar concepts: What are the differences and advantages of the individual methods? Which customer groups do the systems cater to? Why should transit agencies decide to introduce this technology, possibly alongside “traditional ticketing”?

Following this, mobility experts from three transit agencies will give insights into their projects:

  • Case Study BVG
    Michael Beer, Head of Sales, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Deutschland
  • Case Study NCT
    Kevin Ward, Commercial Services Manager, Nottingham City Transport Ltd. (NCT), England
  • Case Study 3

Benjamin Bock has been an Authorized Signatory and Member of the Management Board at Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV) since 2015, where he is in charge of marketing, fares, sales and public relations. He has also been holding a management position at VBK and Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft (AVG) since 2017 that puts him in charge of revenue management and marketing, focusing on sales-related end customer relationships and transport contract issues with the public transport authorities in regional rail transport and local public transport.

After joining Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe (VBK) in 2009 as Assistant to the Managing Director, he held numerous positions at VBK, AVG and KVV, including Head of Sales.

From Transport Association to Multimodal Mobility Provider – The Karlsruhe Model 2.0

Since the 1990s, the Karlsruhe transport association has been known for providing the fare and publicity framework known as the “Karlsruhe Model”, a successful combination of streetcar and light rail transport. The 25th anniversary of the so-called dual-system vehicles used in the greater Karlsruhe area was already celebrated back in the mid-2010s. At the same time, driven by the company’s aspiration to further improve the successful model, the “Karlsruhe Model 2.0” was being developed. In this refined approach, the mobility needs of customers are comprehensively mapped by digitally linking and bundling numerous other mobility services in an app and at physical hubs. For two years now, KVV customers have been able to navigate an (almost) fully integrated information and booking chain via the KVV.regiomove application. The presentation will describe the individual stages of the development from transport association to regionaler Mobilitätsverbund (regional mobility network, “regiomove”) and will illustrate how qualitative improvements to the vehicle fleet and infrastructure help to drive ahead the mobility revolution.


Mr. Dahlmann-Resing has been a member of the Management Board of VAG Nuremberg since July 2012 and has been acting as Spokesman of the Management Board since October 2022. He is currently responsible for the Technology & Market division, which covers the business areas of Operations Management, Bus Workshop, Rail Workshop, Route, Planning, Marketing, Sales and Controlling/Business Planning. He has also been Managing Director for the public transport section of Städtische Werke Nürnberg StWN since October 2022. In addition, he is Vice President of the VDV, a member of the VDV Executive Committee and Board, a member of the VDV Scientific Advisory Board, Chairman of the VDV Committee for Planning and Climate Protection and the VDV Tram Board of Directors, Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Greater Nuremberg Transport Association, Deputy Chairman of the CNA Board of Directors and Deputy Chairman of the STUVA Board of Directors.

He started as a trainee at VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft Nürnberg in 1996 after completing his studies in civil engineering with a focus on transportation. Between 1998 and 2012, he held various management positions at VAG and was also appointed Managing Director of PB-Consult Planungs- und Betriebsberatungsgesellschaft between 2001 and 2007. Since 2013, he has been working part-time as a lecturer on “Transit Agency Management” as part of the “Urban Mobility” course of studies at Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Technology in Nuremberg.

While on the job, he acquired qualifications as a quality management auditor in accordance with DIN 9001 and as a BOStrab operations manager, among others. He also successfully completed a postgraduate course in project management as well as an in-house course in business administration.

Mr. Dahlmann-Resing takes part in the panel discussion.


Dipl. Ing. Klaus Dechamps (58) studied general electrical engineering in Nuremberg. In 1994, he joined Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg GmbH, where he has been Head of Markets and Sales since 2005. In this role, he is responsible for marketing, pricing, digitization projects and IT. Milestones in these areas of activity include various digitization topics and management of the “HandyTicket Deutschland” project.

He has been Chairman of the VDV Task Group for Network Fares and Cooperation since 2023.

Digitization of Student Transport with the VGN School Portal

A network-wide solution for the digitization of student transport processes, from the application process through to issuing student tickets. Simplified, centralized and transparent – facilitating an efficient organization of student transport.


Paula holds a M.Sc. in Operational Research in Applied Mathematics by the Autonomous University of Lisbon and a post-graduation in Operations and Logistics Management by ISEG Executive Education. She is also a certified Transport Management professional by the Portuguese Mobility and Transport Institute. Paula started her professional career in the Academia, but in 2005 switched to a more technical role in a private transport operator. Most of her activity focused on operational planning and training drivers for the public service and in 2018 she moved to account for management and budget control to the board of administration. Her vast experience in public transport planning, operation, and management brough her to Cascais Próxima in 2021, the internal operator of the municipality of Cascais. In 2022 she took the position of Director of the Transport Department where she has collaborated in the design and execution of public policies to promote the usage of more inclusive transit systems, on the development of new transit lines, on the evaluation of the impact of inclusive measures such as the Fare Free Public Transport program and achieving energetic independence through the production and usage of green hydrogen.

Towards sustainability: Cascais’ strategy for free, clean urban mobility.


Tony Hansley has been an integral part of the Lawton Area Transit System (LATS) for the past five years. With 15 years of diverse experience in the transportation industry, Tony Hansley brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Lawton Area Transit System (LATS). His extensive background in various facets of transportation has been instrumental in his impactful contributions to the organization. As Head of Marketing and Innovation Tony plays a pivotal role in shaping the public image of the Lawton/Fort Sill community. Through strategic advertising, a robust digital presence, and active community engagement, he ensures the transit system's visibility and impact. Tony is also an accomplished photographer, using his expertise to capture compelling images of public transit and its riders. His work not only highlights the vitality of the transit system but also enhances its public image by showcasing the community it serves at its best.

LATS Goes Digital – How LATS Brings Ease to Accessing Public Transport in Lawton City

Buses, trains, ferries – local public transportation in the U.S. is diverse, but more so in urban areas, where demand and need are correspondingly high. While transit agencies offer bus services suburban or rural areas, more often than not people continue to use their own cars. LATS (Lawton Area Transit System) has been providing fixed bus routes and para-transit services for 23 years to ensure that passengers in the city of Lawton, Oklahoma, reach their destinations by public transportation. The new LATS GO PASS app launched in late summer 2024 introduces an attractive and simple digital way to purchase LATS tickets.

In their presentation, the speakers will outline the general requirements and challenges of public transportation in the U.S. They will also provide insights into the strategy used by LATS to further facilitate access to shared mobility for its passengers, inspire existing customers and attract new ones.


Sascha Heyer studied software engineering and media IT at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and Uxbridge University West London. He started his career at INIT GmbH as a software developer in 2008 and has worked for the company in several roles since then. Among other things, he oversaw software development for ticketing background systems as the team lead. He also participated in many national and international projects across the globe at the customer’s premises in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and other places. Sascha Heyer has been Product Manager TaaS (ticketing as a service) at INIT since 2022.

Account-Based Ticketing, ID-Based Ticketing, EMV & Similar Concepts:
Further Simplifying Access to Public Transport for Passengers

In the area of public transport, account-based ticketing systems have been successfully established in many countries for several years, and the first pilot projects are now being launched in the German-speaking region. Efficient billing, reduced susceptibility to fraud, simple and user-friendly ticket purchasing, no need to be aware of the fare or carry a physical ticket, etc. – transit agencies and passengers alike benefit from the advantages that this technology offers.

Sascha Heyer, Product Manager TaaS bei INIT, will start with a brief introduction to the world of account-based ticketing, ID-based ticketing, EMV and similar concepts: What are the differences and advantages of the individual methods? Which customer groups do the systems cater to? Why should transit agencies decide to introduce this technology, possibly alongside “traditional ticketing”?

Following this, mobility experts from three transit agencies will give insights into their projects:

  • Case Study BVG
    Michael Beer, Abteilungsleiter Vertrieb, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Deutschland
  • Case Study NCT
    Kevin Ward, Commercial Services Manager, Nottingham City Transport Ltd. (NCT), England
  • Case Study 3

Alok is the CEO and Managing Director of Trans-consult, a management-consulting firm, specializing in advisory services for technology driven public transport operation and management. He has a long portfolio of experience in the transportation sector and is an international expert trainer with International Association of Public Transport (UITP). He is a fellow of Civic Exchange and serves in the Council for Decarbonizing Transport in Asia. He is a Senior Advisor to IoTSG/AllThingsConnected, Singapore.

He served as Deputy Operations Director of The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd. (KMB) between 2013 and 2016, leading the strategy and planning for improving efficiency, instilling process management, restructuring the network and implementation of new technology, which resulted in a HK$1billion turnaround in the profitability.

Prior to KMB, he was Director of Trans-consult Asia, Hong Kong, and MVA Asia, Hong Kong, and led the design and planning of many large-scale transport infrastructure projects.

Alok has also worked for MTR Corporation / KCR Corporation, Hong Kong for 12 years. His last position was General Manager-Marketing prior to which he also worked in the areas of railway/metro project planning and management, operations planning, testing and commissioning of new lines, revenue management, financial appraisals, and strategic planning.

Alok played an active role in a number of other business organizations and worked in many countries in a career spanning over 30 years. With several publications to his credit including contributions to a book on best practices in railways operations and management, he is a regular speaker on multi-modal integration, public transport operations & management, SMART mobility, and clean vehicle technologies.

Public Transport ruling the mobility roost: Global innovations and opportunities

All across the world mobility has become a challenge and private car dependence has been recognised as unsustainable and wasteful. Public transport supported by active and shared mobility, and reliance on technology based solutions appear to be the solutions of the future. The data-rich but complex environment of public transport provides a perfect platform for testing several new technologies which have much wider applications. This session will use examples around the world how these solutions are improving the quality of life in the urban environments.


Anna-Theresa Korbutt, a business graduate born in 1979 in the Hanseatic city of Gdansk, has been Managing Director of Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (hvv) since 1 April 2022. She is a passionate manager in the field of local public transport, developing innovative and sustainable public transport concepts ever since entering this career path.

Mrs. Korbutt held various positions in the areas of strategy and marketing at Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) from 2004 to 2012. This was followed by appointments in Switzerland and Austria, where she most recently worked for the holding company of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) as Head of Group Strategy and Corporate Development. For three years, she was Managing Director of Austria’s largest general cargo forwarder BEXity GmbH in Vienna. In March 2023, Anna-Theresa Korbutt received the Federal Passenger Award from the passenger association PRO BAHN e.V. for her strong commitment towards creating a simple fare system with the Deutschlandticket.

Ms. Korbutt takes part in the panel discussion.


Ryan Landers is the general manager for LATS and has been with the system since 2015. He has more than 10 years of transit experience in operations and management contracts for fixed route and paratransit. Prior to LATS, Ryan was the operations director for Mountain Metro Transit in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Ryan has always been involved in transit since he graduated with a Business Administration degree from Texas Wesleyan University in Ft. Worth, Texas. After college Ryan interned at Trinity Metro formerly known as the T in Fort Worth.

LATS Goes Digital – How LATS Brings Ease to Accessing Public Transport in Lawton City

Buses, trains, ferries – local public transportation in the U.S. is diverse, but more so in urban areas, where demand and need are correspondingly high. While transit agencies offer bus services suburban or rural areas, more often than not people continue to use their own cars. LATS (Lawton Area Transit System) has been providing fixed bus routes and para-transit services for 23 years to ensure that passengers in the city of Lawton, Oklahoma, reach their destinations by public transportation. The new LATS GO PASS app launched in late summer 2024 introduces an attractive and simple digital way to purchase LATS tickets.

In their presentation, the speakers will outline the general requirements and challenges of public transportation in the U.S. They will also provide insights into the strategy used by LATS to further facilitate access to shared mobility for its passengers, inspire existing customers and attract new ones.



Frank Niggemeier-Oliva studied Applied Computer Science at the University of Essen-Duisburg and earned his Executive MBA at the renowned Vienna University of Economics and Business. He has been Managing Director of Bahnen der Stadt Monheim since 1 April 2021. Current focal points in the company’s development include its digital transformation, the further development of autonomous driving and the technology transfer of new drive systems. Previously, Mr. Niggemeier-Oliva worked in the energy sector for many years, where he held various management positions at national and international companies.

Customer Experience as a Driver for Digital Transformation: The invisible hand that pulls you!

The legal and economic landscape has changed significantly in recent years. In addition, new technical possibilities are reshaping key business areas. Change is often driven by external factors. However, to ensure an organization’s sustainable future, change must be ingrained in the company’s DNA. An elegant approach is to take the customer’s perspective and view the implementation of customer satisfaction as a strategic measure and align the entire organization and technology to it.


Mrs. Reinagl is CEO of Wiener Linien. She studied law in Vienna and started to work at the municipality of Vienna in 1997. There she was - among other things - responsible for financing public transport in Vienna. From 2008 to 2011 she was CEO of Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region GmbH – the authority organizing public transport for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. Since 2011 she has been the first woman on the management board of Wiener Linien. Her goals include developing Wiener Linien corporate culture and employer branding as well as raising productivity and efficiency. One of her major topic is “Mobile Flexibility”. Wiener Linien is a designer of mobility and thus of mobile flexibility in Vienna. The umbrella brand “WienMobil” is the linkage of public transport, sharing and mobility services. The overarching structure, WienMobil, includes the digital, fare and physical world. The „WienMobil“ mobility app offers services from different mobility providers and is the key to efficient planning. WienMobil stations, for example at PT stops, offer sharing services such as bike and car.

More than a jump - the mobility turnaround needs a long jump


João Pedro Silva started working in the transport sector in 2016 after joining Cascais Próxima to kick off its role as the internal transit operator for the Municipality of Cascais. He has previously worked on geospatial data visualization and urban mobility assessment R&D projects both at the Nova School of Science and Technology (1992-1997) and Instituto Superior Técnico (2005,2013). In between those periods he has also worked in private companies in the IT sector providing technical consultancy and project management. One of his first private projects was showcased at the Territory Pavilion of the Expo’98 (Lisbon): a real time 3D simulator of Portugal at 1 meter resolution providing access to statistical data for every point in the country. At Cascais Próxima his tasks involved planning transit services, budgeting, negotiating fares and documenting proposals of new transit lines to be presented to the municipality and designing and creating monitoring tools merging data from several sources. His present focus is using business intelligence for assessing, forecasting, and providing early warnings in public transport demand, fleet energy management, and correlation with external factors (e.g., COVID pandemic, air quality, weather, etc.).

Towards sustainability: Cascais’ strategy for free, clean urban mobility.


Anna Sotschka studied international information systems management and has been working at Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg GmbH since 2020. In her role as Project Manager, she is responsible for innovation projects and digitization initiatives. Her focus is on the development and optimization of customer portals.

Digitization of Student Transport with the VGN School Portal

A network-wide solution for the digitization of student transport processes, from the application process through to issuing student tickets. Simplified, centralized and transparent – facilitating an efficient organization of student transport.

  • Studium Verkehrssystemmanagement an der Hochschule Karlsruhe
  • Seit 2016 in der ÖPNV-Branche tätig
  • Aktuell Senior Sales Manager bei CarMedialab mit dem Fokus Verkehrsbetriebe bei der Elektrifizierung ihrer Flotte mit einem Lademanagementsystem zu unterstützen

Wie Sie mit MOBILEcharge die E-Mobilität meistern


Mr. Mika Varjola is the co-founder and Managing Director of Mattersoft Ltd., a member of the INIT Group. He holds a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Tampere. With over two decades of experience in the intelligent transport systems industry, he has worked on numerous projects in international software and consulting companies. He has extensive experience in intelligent transport systems, business development and management.

Cloud-Based Public Transport Monitoring and Management

Mattersoft, a member of the INIT Group since 2018, provides cloud-based IT systems as a service to the public transport industry. This presentation will focus on a product designed to simplify public transport information management, enhance the accuracy of real-time passenger information, and improve the precision of transit signal priorities.


I have been working in the UK Bus Industry since joining a family run business in Nottingham in 1978 and progressing to driver in 1979.

In December 1980, I joined Nottingham City Transport as a driver, followed by progression within the Operations department to Inspector, Senior Inspector, Staff Officer and Garage Manager before moving to my present role as Commercial Services Manager in 2008 where I am responsible for the development of all on bus equipment used by our drivers. This includes all aspects of ticketing, radio, AVL/ITCS, RTPI and both on bus and site CCTV systems.

During my time as Garage Manager, I successfully launched NCT’s first use of RTPI for the Nottingham Skylink service in 2004, connecting Nottingham with East Midlands Airport. Following the success of this trial, RTPI and AVL/ITCS, supplied by Init, was rolled out to all NCT vehicles and routes in 2009 and remains in place today.

NCT decided to invite Init to become our partner for all of our ticketing requirements in 2012 – both on bus cash and smart travel with NCT’s Easyrider card for seasons, carnet and e-purse.

NCT’s desire is to make bus travel as easy as we can for our Customers and the decision was taken in 2019 to develop contactless transactions on bus with Init and this was successfully rolled out to the fleet in September 2020.

Quickly establishing itself as a preferred method of paying for bus travel for our customers, we are in the process of introducing ABT in our continued desire to make bus travel an easy option for customers and to reduce the amount of on bus cash transactions.

Account-Based Ticketing, ID-Based Ticketing, EMV & Similar Concepts:
Further Simplifying Access to Public Transport for Passengers

In the area of public transport, account-based ticketing systems have been successfully established in many countries for several years, and the first pilot projects are now being launched in the German-speaking region. Efficient billing, reduced susceptibility to fraud, simple and user-friendly ticket purchasing, no need to be aware of the fare or carry a physical ticket, etc. – transit agencies and passengers alike benefit from the advantages that this technology offers.

Sascha Heyer, Product Manager TaaS bei INIT, will start with a brief introduction to the world of account-based ticketing, ID-based ticketing, EMV and similar concepts: What are the differences and advantages of the individual methods? Which customer groups do the systems cater to? Why should transit agencies decide to introduce this technology, possibly alongside “traditional ticketing”?

Following this, mobility experts from three transit agencies will give insights into their projects:

  • Case Study BVG
    Michael Beer, Abteilungsleiter Vertrieb, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Deutschland
  • Case Study NCT
    Kevin Ward, Commercial Services Manager, Nottingham City Transport Ltd. (NCT), England
  • Case Study 3

Alexander Witte studied industrial engineering in SW Germany and in the foothills of the French Alps. Just in time for the launch of the 9-euro ticket, he joined HanseCom in 2022 as a project manager with the mission to integrate HanseCom’s “Abo-Online” software at various transport companies. He was soon put in charge of coordinating the development of the new HanseCom student portal and is its product owner. Driven by the desire to digitize administrative processes, in this role he is responsible for requirements management, ongoing development and technical development control.

Many participants – a single system: from the application to the student ticket

Checking eligibility for school transport is a complex process, and it differs from state to state, or sometimes even from municipality to municipality. In many places, the procedure is still characterized by manual processes and “too much paperwork”.

The HanseCom student portal is a central platform that digitizes, simplifies and fundamentally accelerates the time-consuming review processes from application to approval. Moreover, the solution supports everyone involved in the process: transport authorities, schools, transit agencies/associations as well as students and their parents.

The presentation illustrates how different regional approval processes for the approval of student tickets can be digitized, automated and optimized with the HanseCom student portal: from the application and eligibility check through to issuing the ticket.


Christine Wolburg is Head of Marketing and Sales at Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG). She is responsible for around €1 billion in sales per year across all sales channels with a focus on increasing e-commerce and further developing the BVG love brand. She drives the BVG brand forward with conviction and passion, constantly invigorating it with bold and fresh ideas. The well-known and multi-award-winning “Because we love you” (Weil wir dich lieben) campaign has become a nationwide benchmark. By consistently implementing the brand strategy, BVG has succeeded in retaining over one million passengers with regular subscriptions and significantly increasing the number of applications.

After graduating in business administration and marketing, she worked in various sales and marketing functions at Mercedes-Benz AG for 17 years before moving on to Germany’s largest public transit agency.

How we say “because we love you” daily and turn fans into customers

In 2015, BVG launched its “Because we love you” image campaign, which has captured the hearts of (potential) passengers – even beyond the borders of Berlin – and had a strong positive effect on the BVG brand. However, a broad fan base is one thing; turning it into a loyal customer base is quite another. By consistently implementing the brand and sales strategy, the transit agency succeeded in boosting loyalty by seeing BVG subscriptions rise above the one million mark. The presentation will outline how BVG has succeeded and continues to succeed in becoming everyone’s darling for driving sustainable mobility in Berlin.


Keynote Speech: Mobility Transition – What’s Next on the Agenda?

The VDV industry association for public transport is committed to a sustainable transport policy and the expansion of climate-friendly mobility – with the greater goal of promoting the mobility transition. In his talk, Ingo Wortmann will provide insight into the association’s principles and recommendations that represent the interests of its members in politics, business, research and the public. These recommended actions further drive and actively promote the “JUMP! Into Next-Gen Mobility” initiative.


Register now for the HanseCom Forum 2024.

The participation fee is €890 (approx. $970) plus VAT.

The number of participants is limited. You can flag your interest in a breakout session when you register for the HanseCom Forum. You will then receive all information you need for registration in good time before the conference.

* Mandatory field

Terms of Participation:

The participation fee is €250 (approx. $275) plus VAT for transport agencies (as defined by the VDV), transport associations, municipal utilities, associations, authorities, research institutions, universities, standardization bodies and press agencies. Participants representing any of the aforementioned organizations can be exempted from the participation fee on request. Please do so by ticking the corresponding checkbox during registration. A participation fee of €890 (approx. $970) plus VAT applies to all other participants. These participants cannot be exempted from the participation fee.

If you are unable to attend the event after your registration has been confirmed, please send your written cancellation by 14 Nov. 2024 to marketing@hansecom.com. If you cancel before 14 Nov. 2024, the participation fee will be refunded in full. As of the above date, the full participation fee will be charged in the event of cancellation or no-show. A substitute participant can be designated at any time.

Catering during the event and for the evening program on 21 Nov. 2024 is included. Travel, accommodation and all other costs are to be borne by the participants themselves.

HanseCom reserves the right to hold the event on a different date and at a different venue if the event cannot be held on the scheduled date and/or at the intended venue due to the fault of a third party or other factors that HanseCom has no influence on.

In order to process your registration, we collect and process the data provided by you. We use this data to organize the event and to send event-related materials as well as to announce further events of HanseCom or other INIT Group companies. You can object to the use of your data for these purposes at any time by sending an e-mail with your objection to marketing@hansecom.com. In this case, we will immediately stop sending you further information and will delete your data.

During the event, video, audio and photo recordings will be made for reporting purposes by the organizer and, possibly, also by the press. By registering for and participating in the event, you agree to the publication of these recordings.

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Hotel Recommendations

We have reserved a room contingent for you at the HYPERION Hotel until 20 October 2024. You can reserve your room via this booking link or contact the hotel directly.

Keyword for reservation: HanseCom Forum

HYPERION Hotel Hamburg
Amsinckstr. 39, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
+49 (0) 40 72595 382
Single room: €165/night, breakfast included


How to get to the event:

Public transport
From Hamburg Central Station, the HYPERION Hotel can be reached on foot in 10-15 minutes.

The HYPERION has its own underground parking garage.
There are 160 parking spaces available for €20/night.


How to get to the event:

Public transport
From Hamburg Central Station, the HYPERION Hotel can be reached on foot in 10-15 minutes.

The HYPERION has its own underground parking garage.
There are 160 parking spaces available for €20/night.

Partners & Sponsors 2024

About the HanseCom Forum

Over the past few years, the HanseCom Forum has established itself as a key platform for sharing information on innovative projects, solutions and trends with a focus on the public transport sales sector. The varied program will bring you accounts of real-life projects by transport agencies, presentations delivered by industry experts, as well as insights into the latest technologies.

The HanseCom Forum is all about exchanging experiences and creating a dialog. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage in expert discussions and networking. At the end of the first conference day, an evening event will provide an informal backdrop for socializing and relaxing.

You are not yet familiar with the HanseCom Forum? Then take a look at our forum review (in German). It provides you with participant testimonials, photos, our best-of video and much more.

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