PTnova helps you efficiently control all transportation-related sales processes. It provides you with a centralized dashboard that bundles customer data, sales channels and fares. Simple integration of online and mobile phone tickets as well as the
option of setting up a virtual customer center on your website greatly reduce your management overhead. This is how PTnova delivers a platform for excellent customer service and efficient sales processes.
Virtual customer center
Use Abo-Online to reduce the number of time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks associated with managing subscriptions.
By integrating this online service with your website, you can enable your customers (private and business customers) to order and process subscriptions around the clock.
VDV-KA-compliant eTicketing
PTnova supports the specific business process and product types associated with the electronic fare management (EFM) system in compliance with VDV-KA 1.5.0. Functions including chip card and device management, data exchange and document evaluation are complemented by web-capable user interfaces, data security and verifiable documents.
All customer data at a glance
PTnova securely manages your customer data and provides your employees with all relevant information for at-a-glance reference. It takes only a few clicks to directly trigger processes such as subscription management, terminations, fines or customer complaint management. All customer data is synchronized in real time, thus ensuring that your employees and customers always have access to current information.
“PTnova provides a robust platform for all our eTicketing activities relating to the MIA subscription card. Our customers benefit from easy handling, and we benefit from simpler transactions as well as from improved customer loyalty and acquisition.”
Klaus Prill, BSAG